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FCSC Events

Since its inception, SLIIT has always been offering adequate importance to both academics and extracurricular activities. FCSC being a prime potent force within the university has contributed immensely in realizing the aforesaid objective. Accordingly, throughout its legacy, FCSC has brought an array of events into light forging a firm platform for the student community to unlock their potentials and unleash them effectively. Virayama the premier classical musical extravaganza annually held in the university is yet another event proudly presented by the FCSC in its calendar of events that spans a wide range of events. Furthermore, in spite of the difficulties caused by the global pandemic, FCSC resiliently organized a variety of virtual events to enrich students with both productive and positive experiences no less than before. The ultimate motive behind them has always been to infuse an equal blend and balance between studies and civic life of students and help them groom into wholesome personalities by successfully managing the friction of exams, peer pressure, deadlines, and tight timelines. Thus over the years it is evident how they have enabled improving both social and life skills of the students.


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